
Diana Fassett

New Jersey

After earning a Bachelor of Arts degree, getting married, and having two children, Diana never thought that pedorthics would be along her career path. But, as she believes, things happen for a reason.

Diana’s journey began some 30 years ago, the catalyst being her children’s feet and her young son needing a Denis Brown Bar and reverse-last, open-toed shoes. Finding herself immersed in the orthotic world, Diana became interested in the field of pedorthics even though she didn’t know what it was.

Her first job was in a mom-and-pop store learning how to put scaphoid pads and wedges into leather-soled baby shoes. Eventually, she advanced to adult shoes, where she was fortunate to work under a pedorthist who had more than 60 years’ experience. He convinced Diana to go back to school.

Earning her pedorthic certification at Eneslow in New York was a new beginning for Diana and the best thing she ever did. Her education afforded her a rewarding career where she would help people be more mobile. The transformation patients go through after receiving their devices continues to amaze Diana. It is the best part of her day. Diana also enjoys meeting with colleagues for continuing education classes, as well as to discuss various cases.

Diana aspires to keep as many people as possible moving safely and comfortably. She also looks forward to greater innovations in the field of orthotics, braces, and shoes that will make people more comfortable, healthy, and safe.

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